Mac Os X Theme For Gnome

All macOS and iOS releases appearances from System 4 to macOS Catalina. part 1 GTK2 Theme Step 1: If you have got the old version before, then delete the old version. Rm -Rf /.themes/MacOS-X if not, skip this step. Step 2: Unpack the downloaded file. Tar zxf 13548-GnomeMacOS-XAquaTheme20040730.tar.gz Step 3: Move the entire folder named 'MacOS-X' into /.themes mv MacOS-X /.themes part 2 Icon Theme. Arc is the most popular Gnome theme which is an elegant and well designed GTK.

A new GTK theme brings the luscious look of macOS Mojave to the Linux desktop.

Not that you should be surprised; we’ve written before about how easy it is to make Ubuntu look like a Mac.

But thanks to this new macOS Mojave inspired GTK theme that fact is truer, and more faithful, than ever.

macOS Dark Theme for Linux

Apple unveiled macOS Mojave at its WWDC 2018 event earlier this month. The OS upgrade features a stack of changes, among them a new system-wide dark theme.

Mac os x themes

Major innovation, right?

In our post looking at macOS Mojave features already available on Linux we mentioned that support for system-wide dark themes is something Linux has had for, like, forever.

Now, with the release of the “Mc-OS-MJV” GTK3 theme, the look is available on Ubuntu and other Linux distros.


Okay, elephant in the room time.

Fact #1: not everyone “likes” the fact some people who use Linux distros theme them to look like another operating system.

I say each to their own; the flexibility of Linux is such that people can make their desktop look as crazy cool or as crazy stupid as they like (though I’ll let you decide where macOS themes fall in that).

Fact #2: people running macOS and Windows 10 have a hard time trying to make their system look like anything else, let alone mimic a different OS.

The look of Apple’s operating system isn’t exactly terrible, either.

How To Install Gnome Themes

MacOS Mojave GTK Theme

Launched on GNOME Look this week, the new “Mc-OS-Mjv” GTK theme is the work of prolific theme creator, “PaulXFCE“.

We’ve featured some of his other themes on this site before, including Ambiance-RW (so good that Ubuntu devs borrowed ideas from it for the official Ambiance theme) and the “so-bad-it’s-sort-of-good” Arrongin.

Of his latest creation he says (all sic): “These are high end and thorougly developed GTK-themes for the gnome desktop (3.20+ through 3.28) that interpretes the Mac Os themes to the gnome-environment.”

“I’ve modernized it in every little detail. There is nothing (not a single item) that is not new. Resulting in a completely rewritten GTK.CSS-file.”

Because it’s the dark theme in macOS Mojave that has Mac enthusiasts its the one I’ve chosen to use screenshots of in this post. A standard light version is also available.

He’s Made Other macOS GTK Themes, too

Not a fan of the Mojave changes? Paul’s “interpretations” of macOS High Sierra and macOS Yosemite are still available to download, as is a theme based on the (now older) dark themes used in Apple’s Logic and Garageband software.

Download Dark macOS Mojave GTK Theme

You can find all of PaulXFCE’s Mac OS themes over on GitHub as well as on GNOME-Look.

For the darkly brilliant Mojave inspired clone be sure to download the “mc-os-mjv dark mode” package.

Mac Os X Theme For Gnome
  1. Download the theme from GNOME-Look
  2. Extract the archive file to the ~/.themes/ directory in your Home folder
  3. Change GTK theme using the GNOME Tweaks tool

That’s it!

It should go without saying (but I’ll sat it anyone to bump up the word count) that these themes are not endorsed by Apple, etc. Each time someone uses a macOS theme on Linux Tim Cook’s hair turns greyer.

Thanks Sergio

Gnome Macos Theme

If you’re looking for a Mac theme for Linux, look no further.

GNOME-OSX II is (as you might have already guessed) a Mac GTK theme for Linux desktops — and it’s a pretty pretty adaptation.

‘This theme is a ‘gnome-desktop-interpretation of Mac OS X”

Yup, this is not an out-and-out copy of the standard UI in macOS. The theme describes itself as “a gnome-desktop-interpretation of Mac OS X”, with the theme designer saying they’ve “tried to implement the feel of OS X on the gnome-applications.”

This means the theme it’s not trying to be a pixel-perfect clone of the macOS theme — and there are plenty of GTK themes that try to do that out there — but instead adapts the core design of Cupertino’s desktop OS in a way that makes sense (and looks best) on the GNOME desktop.

The GNOME-OSX II theme works with most modern GNOME-based desktops, including GNOME Shell, GNOME Flashback, and Budgie. But the theme does not work with the Unity desktop.

Aside from evoking the form and function of macOS there are some novel touches too, such as the use of a blurred sidebar in the Nautilus file manager, and consistent theming across GTK2 and GTK3 apps.

Mac Os X Themes

A compataible GNOME Shell theme is also available to download for those wanting even more mac-inspired bling for their desktops.

Best Gnome Os

Why do this?

Gnome Mac Os Theme

Debate about the merits (or otherwise) of theming a Linux desktop to look like another operating system arises every time a theme like this is presented.

Mac Os X Theme For Gnomes

The terse answer is, if you can’t understand the appeal, sense or logic in doing it: don’t.

Whether you have Apple envy or simply admire and appreciate the design aesthetic of a macOS, there’s no shame if you decide to make Ubuntu look like Mac. The whole point of using Linux is (after all) that you can do things like this — you certainly can’t make Mac OS X look like Ubuntu!

Download GNOME-OSX Mac theme for Linux

The GNOME OS X II theme requires GNOME 3.20 or later. To use it on Ubuntu you need to be running Ubuntu 16.10 or above.

Once the download is complete you need to extract the tarball to your ~/.themes directory.

Mac Os X Theme For Gnome

Finally, to switch theme on you need to use the GNOME Tweak Tool, which is available to install from Ubuntu Software.

For a more faithful mac-ification try the La Capitaine Mac icon theme for Linux, also available as a free download from GNOME-Look.